Monday, October 20, 2008

dont you hate it . wen you do all the work . for 2 people!!!

ok. i know everyone knows about people like this.
you know those people who are just over top LAZY! ..
and you do everything. ALL THE time .. and they sit on their ass the whole time...
Seriously .. what the fuck is up wit that? ..
i feel bad for those hard workers. and diligent and patient people who are always
working so hard.. and doing so well .. and those people who just skate a long .. mooching off those great people..
i dont know .. just a thought .
maybe those who are hard workers should not be as gullible as they are .. maybe the lazy ass people would get up .. and do something!


Niesha M said...

I hear you. Today I got yelled for something someone else did. I do all my work! Yell at the lazy people who never come to work and when they do they SCREW UP!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just hate that, nothing pisses me off more...