Friday, October 17, 2008

The Conceited

Have you every met that one person who is just full of themselves?
That no matter what, most things or just mainly everything has to deal with them??

Know exactly what you mean.
there is always one person out there. in your life. that always talks about themselves. and every single time they do. YOU WANT TO CHOKE THEM. you might be having the worst day in the history of days. but that means nothing to this one person. because? its not them. if it has nothing to do with them. they dont want to hear it. if you start saying something. they'll interrupt to put in their own life story. everytime they walk by a mirror. window. or anything that may show reflection. they look at themselves. [although it does seem like everyone does that.. haha]. they tell you how ugly they are because they want you to tell them how they are not ugly. they're "good looking"... we all have those people in our lives. and understanding them is just by far one of the hardest things to do sometimes. maybe something will hit them and they'll realize they aint so great as they think.....

we all have those people... do you?

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